
Prayer & Support

Would you like us to pray for you?

Our prayer team volunteers would be happy to pray for your request. Simply click the button to open our online prayer request form.

Send us your Prayer Request

After our weekend services we have prayer team members available to pray with you in person in the Prayer Room or by the Prayer banners at your campus. You can also call our office on weekdays to have someone pray with you over the phone.

Our Prayer Ministry is also a great place to serve. Click here to learn about ways to be involved.

Would you like someone to talk with in person?

We have a team of people willing to come to where you are – in person or by telephone, as would suit you – and offer encouragement and support.

Request a Visit

Church of the Rock Mobile App

With the Church of the Rock online app you can listen to or watch sermons, see the schedule for online events, access small group resources, and find quick links for online giving, maps and more!


Books & Videos

Book of Hope

Pastor Mark’s Books

Rightnow Media


Resources for Churches


Our staff are available to assist you during the week from 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday – Friday. Simply call (204) 261-0070 or 1-877-700-ROCK (7625).