In My Own Language

"Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." (John 6:68) I recently talked to some people who have just received the Bible in their own…
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A New Body

Early yesterday morning, Thursday Junes 19th, my father, Harry Eberhard, passed away to meet Jesus face to face. Dad was known for his love for the Lord Jesus, his love…
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Line Up For Your Miracle

Recently an  American preacher was ministering in Uganda.  After preaching from the word of God the pastor of the large Ugandan church encouraged the people.  He said, "Those who want…
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God’s Great Love

It is not easy being a shepherd of God's people.  One could easily think that leading God's people would be one of the best jobs in the world.  However that…
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Paul A Contentious Person

In Acts 17:10, in the city of Thessalonica, the believers had to send Paul and Silas away at night.  Later in the city of Berea, the believers had to send…
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More Than These?

Peter had just been fishing all night and then he recognized Jesus upon the shore.  John 21:15 "Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me…
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I’m Scarred For Life

When I was young, I was jumping on a metal framed cot, even though my mother warned me to stop.  One slip of the foot caused me to cut my…
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