Engage – Thurs. April 2nd – Hot Cross Buns and Baking with Cheri

Thurs. April 2nd Hot Cross Buns and Baking with Cheri Main Kitchen at 7:00pm Join us in the main kitchen at church for preparations for Good Friday. Every year the…
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All My Springs

Our North American lifestyle can be very busy, we cram our lives filled with activities, work, and pleasure.  We try to squeeze much into the moments we have.  Perhaps this…
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The Dregs – Becoming Better Or Bitter

The production of good wine requires many steps. The grapes must be picked, i.e. pulled off of the natural place of receiving nutrients. The grapes are then thrown into wooden…
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I’d Rather

How many times have you thought to yourself, "Ok, I'll do this, but I would rather not".  Unfortunately many times that is partly tied into our response to God.  We…
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The Power To Break Selfishness

We are living in a self centered culture. Everything focuses upon individuals thinking about, "What do I get?", and "What's in it for me?" As we talk to individuals it…
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Engage – Thurs. March 26th – No Time for a Siesta, Viva La Fiesta

Thursday March 26th No Time for a Siesta, Viva La Fiesta Mexican Fundraiser Dinner Multi-Purpose Room  5:30pm Young Adults present a Mexican themed Fundraiser Dinner to support the Young Adults…
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Take Care Of Them

I was reading in Psalm 82 verse 4 and was challenged about how God expects us, who are mature, those who have resources, the people who have influence, to help…
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How Can I?

How do you respond in the face of temptations?  Does the thought that, "No one will see or hear about what we are doing" cause there to be greater temptations…
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Lasting Peace

I was talking with John, a young Burmese Buddhist Monk, who is now a strong practicing Christian.  Though he was a strong monk within Buddhism there was a restlessness within…
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Engage – Thurs. March 12th – Life Skills with Craig and Kristen

Thursday March 12th Life Skills with Craig and Kristen Youth Room 7:30pm Don't know how to tie a tie, put on a band-aid, or drive a standard? Join us for…
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