Join us throughout the week on Discord!

Here’s what you need to know:
First, create a Discord user by downloading the application here.
Second, sign on to our Threshold Jr Discord server by clicking here.
You’ll be up to speed throughout the week!


This Week!

Grade 8 + HSM Bible Study! 
Monday Aug 22nd @ 7pm-9pm

Only two more Summer Bible Study events left! Students who have completed grade 8 are invited to join the high school youth group for weekly Bible Study! Join us for a chill evening in the Youth Room with FREE snacks and diving into scripture! We are reading in the Book of 1 Peter!


Biking Trails!
Tues Aug 23rd @ 1pm-3pm SIGN-UP REQUIRED

This is our last Tuesday event of the Summer! We will be taking a different route and stopping for drinks along the way, our treat! Bring your bike & helmet or contact us to borrow a bike for this event! Please email or call the church office at 204-261-0070 before 10:00am on Tuesday August 23rd. We will meet at COTR South Campus in the east parking lot. *If it rains we will hangout in the youth room and play games! 

This event is for students completed grade 6-12! (Max of 20 students) Click here to register online (opens Monday at 12:00pm, noon). Click here to print the updated Tuesday Events waiver form.


BBQ & Outdoor Games! 
Wed Aug 24th @ 7pm-9pm

Join us for an end of the Summer party! We are hanging outside in the new patio and green space area at COTR South Campus! There will be a bunch of outdoor games to play, plus the Youth Room and canteen will be open! Best of all there will be FREE Hotdogs and drinks! For students completed grade 6-12! 

Follow us on Instagram for weekly event details and updates!

@ threshold_jr 

Next Two Weeks!

No Youth Group
 August 31st & September 7th

There will be a two week break for leaders to re-charge and finalize youth events for the Fall!


Threshold JR Fall Kickoff Event!

Corn Maze!
 Wed Sept 14th @ 6:15pm-9:00pm

We are heading to A-Maze-in-Corn! This evening is always a blast and includes FREE snacks around a bonfire!