This Week!

Skate Park!
Tuesday, July 23rd
@ 1:00pm-3:00pm

We are going to a local skate park!
Bring your bike, skateboard, rollerblades, long board & helmet.
We will also provide skateboards & longboards.
Click here to register (required).
Click here to fill out Summer Activity Release Form (required).


Beach Day! Cost: FREE
Wednesday, July 24th @ 10:30am-4:30pm

Birds Hill Park. Cost: FREE- Bring a lunch or $$
for Canteen. Check our Instagram pages by 8am
for rain updates. Meet at the church!
Click here to fill out Summer Activity Release Form (required).

Next Week!

Tuesday, 30th @ 1pm-3pm

Join us for a bike ride around the neighborhood.
We will provide a snack along the way. Meet at church.
Registration opens on Monday, July 22nd.
Click here to fill out Summer Activity Release Form.


No Threshold Jr!
Wednesday, July 31st

This HSM night is for students completed
grade 8-12. See you next week!

In 2 Weeks!

No Youth!
August 5, 6 & 7

No Youth, we are at Church camp!
Click here for more info about church camp.
See you there!

Follow us on Instagram for event and weather updates all year long!

Join us throughout the week on Discord!

Here’s what you need to know:
First, create a Discord user by downloading the application here.
Second, sign on to our Threshold Jr Discord server by clicking here.
You’ll be up to speed throughout the week!