When I was young, I thought that God was large, bigger than the universe.  That He was strong, omnipotent, that He could do anything He wanted.  That He is all knowing, omniscient, and that He was everywhere, omnipresent, there was nowhere where He couldn’t go.  On top of these power attributes there were attributes of being holy, merciful and just, and being the very definition of love.

However as I look at many Christians around me I see that my understanding of God must be wrong.  I see people frustrated because they feel that God’s purposes for their lives have been thwarted.  Something, or someone, or some circumstance has gotten in the way of them obtaining that which God had promised them.   Whether it was the financial pressure, bad weather, the natural or spiritual enemy, sickness or some other situation, these events had proven to be more powerful than God.  These difficulties and trials were able to block the strength and wisdom of the great God who I once thought was so mighty.  In reality it seems like these events, circumstances and situations were the true gods as they had the capacity to stop and foil the purposes and plans of the almighty God whom I had loved and cherished and admired when I was younger.

Yet, when I read the closing song/phrase that Jude declares in Jude 1:25 I read about Jesus, “God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever. Amen.”  This is a similar theme that is shared by the 24 elders in heaven when they state that the Lord “is worthy, To receive glory and honor and power; For You created all things, And by Your will they exist and were created.”(Rev. 4:11).  This thought of the great power of God is even included in the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples where He said we are to pray “Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” (Matt 6:13)

It is true that my title and opening paragraph were a little tongue in in cheek.  Yet many look at their situations without realizing that because God is all powerful and all knowing nothing can keep us from the purposes and plans that God has for us.  “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11.  There is no outside force that is great enough to thwart the will of God, except for ourselves.  We can choose to harden our heart, to walk selfishly and to reject what God would want for us.  That is the free will which He has given to each of us.

Take a moment to ponder what things, people or situations you believe are in the way of God’s plans for your life.  Have you made these bigger than God, or in your mind are you limiting the power of the true God of the universe?
