This week…

Live Action Roleplay (LARP!)
September 22 @ 7:11pm—10:00pm
40 Days of Praise

One of HSM’s favourite games to play—LARPing!  With epic music, you attack your foes with a sword made out of razor-sharp Styrofoam.  Okay, maybe not so razor-sharp…
We continue with our 40 DOP series!

Next week…

Giant Soccer
September 29 @ 7:11pm—10:00pm

You’ve always wanted to know what it’s like to kick a massive soccer ball…now if your time!  Join us as we play an incredibly fun game of soccer and continue with our 40 Days of Praise series!

The following week…

Human Bowling

October 6th @ 7:11pm – 10:00pm
Notice a giant theme this year?  That’s because God is huge!  We are hurling each other down the gym floor on scooters to see who can knock down the most pins!  This is also our third week of 40 Days of Praise!


  Click here for this month’s calendar