This week!

Threshold Jr Bibe Study!
April 1st – Wednesday 2pm
We are talking about Spiritual Beings and the Spiritual world we live in! Come and join us for games and some games as well! Remember, just click the same link to join everything!


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Online Game Show!
April 3rd – Friday 7 – 9pm
We collect a series of games to get you talking and having fun! We also start a new faith-based series on Doubts!

Hello students and parents!

I’m hoping you and your loved ones are well! I’m happy to let you know that last week’s zoom was a success and we are going to be doing even more in the weeks to come!

First, we will be meeting for HSM at our regular date and times through Zoom (Friday @ 7:25pm-10:00pm). But, we are also adding another service during the day! This will continue this Wednesday (April 1st) at 2:00 pm! We will continue to meet TWICE a week until we are back in action at the church!

What does Wednesday services look like? This is an afternoon service with students who are interested in having fun but also desiring to go deeper in their faith. We haven’t had this chance to meet with this kind of focus in mind so I’m very excited to be hosting that as well!

How do you do join us online? We’ll be hosting a ‘Zoom meeting’. That means, we can play games together, talk and even worship! If you aren’t familiar with ‘Zoom’ it’s simply a video-conferencing application that can do a lot!

Here’s how you prepare for our Interactive Service!
Step 1) Download the ‘Zoom’ app on your device! Here are the links below!

Andriod – CLICK HERE

*You don’t have to download the app if you’re on a laptop/desktop, but it’s more robust if you do!*

Step 2) On Wednesday April 1st @ 2pm,  & Friday April 3rd @ 7:25 click our Zoom Meeting URL


Step 3) Enjoy the service by listening and participating!

The week after that…
We will likely continue with our High School Ministry Interactive Service until we are informed otherwise.  We encourage you to not become isolated during times like these! God is still on the throne!

Feel free to email Mathew, our Youth Director, if you have any questions.


Click here for the church calendar