Dear students and parents! We are introducing a new way for our students to connect during the lockdown! We will have spontaneous and scheduled meetings prompted over Discord.

Here’s what you need to know:
First, create a Discord user by downloading the application here.
Second, sign on to our Threshold Jr Discord server by clicking here.
You’ll be up to speed throughout the week!

This week!

Jackbox Party Pack!
December 2nd – Wednesday 7-8:30 pm
The latest and greates Jackbox party pack to win a McDonald’s meal! We finish our series on faulty Christian thinking!
To join our Zoom service CLICK HERE.


Tuesday – Dec 1st – 3:30pm-4:15pm
Join us on Discord! Click here!

Next week!

Quiplash 3!
December 9th – Wednesday 7-8:30 pm

The latest and greates Jackbox party pack to win a McDonald’s meal! We finish our series on faulty Christian thinking!
To join our Zoom service CLICK HERE.