Join us throughout the week on Discord!

Here’s what you need to know:
First, create a Discord user by downloading the application here.
Second, sign on to our Threshold Jr Discord server by clicking here.
You’ll be up to speed throughout the week!

This Week!Octopus Games!
March 30th @ 7pm-9pm

A game of survival! Can you get past all the games? 

Next Week!

Gross Out Night pt2!
April 6th @ 7pm-9pm

Who can stomach disgusting food? Show us your strength and grit!

In Two Weeks!

No Youth!
April 13th

No youth this week, BUT on April 20th we are heading to Flying Squirrel trampoline park!

Mark your Calendar!

Camp Arnes Trip! COST: $90
Friday May 13th-Sunday May 15th 

Threshold Camp Arnes registration and waver forms are available for pickup! Details about fundraising opportunities to come soon!