Online Community
Church of the Rock’s Online Ministry is a digital extension of our church family outside of our physical buildings. We stream our live church services and worship events, as well as host online small groups and classes. Everything is done with hosts to welcome, support and pray with and for our online family.
Church of the Rock Online allows us to be an inviting and loving church community for hundreds, even thousands of people across Canada and around the world who are not able to join us in-person and serves as a welcoming “first visit” for those in the area considering coming to church.
Church of the Rock Online allows us to be an inviting and loving church community for hundreds, even thousands of people across Canada and around the world who are not able to join us in-person and serves as a welcoming “first visit” for those in the area considering coming to church.

Online Events
Monday Night Online Small Group
Our Monday Night Online Small Group meets almost every Monday night (except holidays) at 8:30pm central time HERE.
Unlike a ZOOM group, we meet on a “camera-free” platform similar to online church. We gather and mingle in text chat, watch the study video together, and then discuss the video in text chat.
Monday Night Online Small Group is a wonderful group for those who have never been a part of a small group, or would prefer to be a part of a small group where they don’t have to comb their hair!
Unlike a ZOOM group, we meet on a “camera-free” platform similar to online church. We gather and mingle in text chat, watch the study video together, and then discuss the video in text chat.
Monday Night Online Small Group is a wonderful group for those who have never been a part of a small group, or would prefer to be a part of a small group where they don’t have to comb their hair!