Serenity is a ministry where you can get practical help to receive the peace of Christ in your life. If you are experiencing mental health challenges such as anxiety or depression, these resources may be for you.
Wellness Wednesdays: Experiencing God’s Goodness & Mercy
A 6-week Spiritual Health Challenge using Psalm 23 to discover who God is, who we are, and the good news that is available to us.
Here is how the journey will look each week:
- Week 1: Introduction to Spiritual Health
- Week 2: Who Is God? Knowing God
- Week 3: Who Am I? How Do I Picture Myself?
- Week 4: What is the Gospel? What Is My Picture of the Gospel?
- Week 5: Can We Really Hear from God?
- Week 6: Is It Actually Possible to Become More & More Like Jesus?
Please view this introduction video first
Wellness Wednesdays: Emotional Wellness
Take up a six-week challenge where we will work through teachings from Psalm 23—such as prayer, rest, and working through fear—to help you builds tools for emotional wellness.
Here’s a snapshot of what the journey will look like:
- Week 1 = Joined with Jesus (“The Lord is my shepherd…”)
- Week 2 = Rest (“He makes me lie down…”)
- Week 3 = Your Right Mind (“He guides in right paths…”)
- Week 4 = Overcoming Fear (“Though I walk through the valley…”)
- Week 5 = Community (“He prepares a banquet…”)
- Week 6 = Restoring Hope (“Surely goodness and mercy will follow me…”)
Wellness Wednesdays: Healthy Relationships
Growing in our emotionally healthy relationship skills is like growing in any other kind of skill—you practice and get better. This 4-week challenge unpacks a practical relational skill each week and gives you the opportunity to put it into practice.
Here’s a snapshot of what the journey will look like:
- Week 1: Take Your Relational Temperature
- Week 2: Check Your Attitude
- Week 3: Listening at a Heart Level
- Week 4: If I Could Read Your Mind