Annual Missions Pie Auction

Advancing Missions in the 10/40 Window & Beyond!

The Annual Missions Pie Auction is our chance to give extravagantly and hilariously to the cause of bringing the absolute best news of the gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation.

2025 Pie Auction Fundraising Goal: $TBC

How to give to the Pie Auction

Our Pie Auction is a specific missions project, so once you are inside Online Giving, under “Give to…” select “Missions Int’l Project Donation” and then the specific project “10/40 Window & Beyond General” before typing in your amount.
Give by mail
If you wish to send a cheque in the mail, please write your cheque to: “Church of the Rock” and be sure that we are also receiving your full name and address for tax receipting purposes.

If you also note “Pie Auction” or “10/40 Window” in the memo or an accompanying letter, we will know that your donation is specifically to go to our Missions International 10/40 Window & Beyond fund.

Our mailing address is:
Church of the Rock
1397 Buffalo Place
Winnipeg MB  R3T 1L6
If you have never attended the Pie Auction in person, watch the video below!

Pie Auction Updates

Your Pie Auction generosity is already making a difference!