Youth Retreat


Our goal is to be able to offer at least 20 full sponsorships to students who cannot afford to go to the spring camp retreat. The cost is $150 per student and any little bit will help.
Please note that contributions toward the sponsorship fund are eligible for a charitable donation receipt. If excess sponsorship donations are received, the money will be used for other similar Church of the Rock youth activities.

NOTE: If you don't yet have a giving account created with Church of the Rock, please go to our Giving page for more details.
Our Online Giving solution (InFellowship) provides a secure and straightforward way to make a donation.
The youth retreat is a specific fundraising project, so once you are inside Online Giving, under “Give to…” select “Youth Donation” and then the specific project "Youth Retreat/Conf Donation" before typing in your amount.

Camp Arnes

An action packed weekend at Camp Arnes full of fun, food, friends & growing in God!

Activities include: swimming, zip line, ropes course, climbing wall, archery & more!
We will be staying in separate guy/girl cabins with leaders (Approx. 15 people per cabin)